Attorneys at law
Walter Labbé
Attorney at law
Specializes in administrative law
Phone: 089/29058-110
Fax: 089/29058-205

Personal details:
Established the law firm in 1977
Main activities
Consulting and representing investors, developers, construction companies and communities with regard to the development of real-estate projects, particularly support with property-acquisition and hereditary-building right contracts; obtaining, enforcing and securing building permits under consideration of the planning of construction-project supervision
Enforcing and executing urban-development contracts
Plan approval pursuant to laws on the planning of specialized projects; representing property owners in plan-approval procedures (e.g., for roads, railways, waterways, airports)
Plan-approval law and right to eminent domain
Compensation law; property valuation and regulation of tax-law matters
Execution of reallocations of private building land
Property succession; preparing and elaborating contracts on farm-business succession, inheritance contracts, testaments, etc.